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Do you have a quick reference for strawberries?

Yes, we do! Please see the below strawberry chart:


SKUVariety NameZoneTypeSizeFirmnessDisease ResistanceHarvestContainersPlant or BarerootNotes
16009A C Wendy4-8JuneLargeFirmV, RS2nd yearNoBare rootPerforms well in heavy soils
16000Albion4-8NeutralLargeFirmV, PC, A1st yearYesBare root
15224Alexandria6-8AlpineSmallSoftn/a1st yearYesPlant
10681Cabot4-7JuneVery Large
MediumRS2nd yearNo
21648Camarosa5-8JuneLargeFirmn/a2nd yearNoPlant
21646Chandler5-8JuneLargeFirmn/a2nd yearYesPlant
22792Delizzimo3-8NeutralMediumMediumn/a1st yearYesPlantGreenhouse under lights
10767Earliglow4-8JuneSmall/MedMediumV, RS, LS, S2nd yearNoBare root
15219Elan F15-8NeutralMediumMediumn/a1st yearYesPlant
23026Eversweet5-8NeutralLargeFirmn/a1st yearYesBare rootSouthern gardens, heat tolerant
10682Evie-24-8NeutralLargeMediumn/a1st yearNoBare root
21599Flavorfest4-7JuneLargeMediumRS,PC, LS, A2nd yearNoBare root
21018Galletta4-7JuneLargeFirmRS2nd yearNoBare rootResists black root rot and black vine weevil
25303Honeoye3-8JuneLargeFirmn/a2nd yearNoBare root
10673Jewel4-8JuneLargeFirmLS, S2nd yearNoBare root
10679Mara Des Bois4-8NeutralSmall/MedFirmn/a1st yearYesBare root
52266aMignonette4-9AlpineSmallSoftn/a1st yearYesSeedSeed
22794Montana3-8NeutralMed/LargeMediumn/a1st yearYesPlant
16004Purple Wonder4-8JuneSmall/MedSoftn/a2nd yearYesPlant
22795Ruby Ann3-8NeutralSmall/MedMediumn/a1st yearYesPlant
22779Rutgers Scarlet4-8JuneLargeFirmRS2nd yearNoPlant
19938Seascape4-8NeutralLargeFirmV, RS, PM1st yearYesBare rootHeat tolerant
29707Summer Breeze5-8NeutralMediumMediumn/a1st yearYes4 PlantsDouble deep rose flowers
21657Sweet Charlie5-8JuneMediumFirmV, A, PM, SM2nd yearNoPlantFlorida and southern gardens
10683Sweet Kiss 5-8NeutralLargeMediumn/a1st yearYesBare root
22205Toscana4-9NeutralMed/LargeFirmn/a1st yearYesPlant
15220Tristan5-8NeutralMediumMediumn/a1st yearYesPlantDeep rose flowers
16001White Soul6-8AlpineSmallSoftn/a1st yearYesPlant
16002Yellow Wonder6-8AlpineSmallSoftn/a1st yearYesPlant


Disease ResistanceCode
Verticillium V
Red SteleRS
Phytophora Crown RotPC
Leaf SpotLS
Powdery MildewPM
Leaf ScorchS
Spider MitesSM

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