New for the 2025 season. Five new tomatoes & peppers bred for direct outdoor sowing in your garden, in any region.
Easy-growing, direct-sowing revolutionary hybrids with early and abundant harvests.

Burpee Garden Sown™ Groundswell Tomato 

Burpee Garden Sown™ Rain Drops Tomato

Burpee Garden Sown™ Groundfather Pepper

Burpee Garden Sown™ Lavaland Pepper

Burpee Garden Sown™ Sow Sweet Pepper

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Do you have a quick reference for cucumbers?

Yes, we do! Please see the below chart:

VarietySKUTypeSub TypeDTMContainerFruitSpreadNotesCultural Notes
Armenian62505ASpecialtyAsian burpless70No12"4'Needs no peelingGrow on trellis for straight fruits
Bragger Hybrid60980ASlicingPickling45No6"6'High yieldsDry and humid tolerant
Burpee Hybrid ll53595ASlicing
55No6-8"3-4'Crisp flesh, high yielding, gynoeciousResistant to mosaic virus and downy mildew
Burpee Pickler62547APicklingBlack spined53No4-6"3-4 'Full sized vines, heavy yieldsCucumber mosaic virus resistance
Burpless Beauty52175ASlicingBurpless60No8"3-4'Stays crisp, small seed cavityDisease-resistant
Bush Champion50104ASlicing
55Yes8-12"2'Container, bush typeCucumber mosaic virus resistance
Chompers Hybrid55535ASlicing
50-55 No10-11"6-7'Large fruits, small seed cavity
Double yield Organic64255ASlicingPickling50-55No5-6"3-4'Fresh or pickling
Dragon Suhyo Hybrid53300ASlicingAsian burpless50-60No10-14"4-5'Grow on trellis for straight fruitsDisease and mildew resistance
Early Pride Hybrid62802ASlicingEnglish55No8-9"4-6'Good productivity, gynoeciousTolerant to powdery mildew and  mosaic virus
Fresh Pickles Hybrid51555APickling
50-55Yes3-5"3-3.5'Compact, restricted vineResists downy mildew
Garden Sweet Burpless Hybrid50885ASlicingBurpless55No10-12"3-4'Gynoecious, bitter freeDisease-resistant; available organic 60200A
Heyday Hybrid68730ASlicingBeit Alpha48No
54-58"BurplessVirus and Disease resistant 
Honey Plus65635ASnacking
40No3-4"20-24"Gynoecious, bitter free
65No3-4"3-4'Lemon yellow fruitsAvailable organic 60120A
Lunchbox Hybrid62875ASpecialtySnacker50-53 No7-8"3-4'High yieldsDisease-resistant
Marketmore 7652280ASlicing
63No6-8"3-4'Northeast standardGreat disease resistance

Mexican Sour Gherkin52300ASpecialty
60-70No1"3-4'Cucamelon mini melon look, tangy sour
Parisian63220APicklingGherkin50No3"4.5'Fresh or picklingBlack spines
Party Time Hybrid59320ASnacking
45-50Yes4"3-4'ParthenocarpicResistant to powdery and downy mildew
Pick a Bushel Hybrid53505APicklingWhite spined50Yes3-6"2-2.5' Semi bush, good yieldsResistant tomosaic virus, melon mosiac virus, scab
Picklebush61333APicklingWhite spined52Yes4"2'Compact vinesTolerant to powdery mildew and  mosaic virus
Salad Bush Hybrid54007ASlicing
57Yes8"26"Compact, restricted vineHigh disease resistance
56Yes8"26"Compact vinesResistant to cucumber mosaic virus and scab
Straight Eight60335ASlicingWhite spined58No6-8"4-5'Classic cucumberAvailable organic 60205A
Summer Dance Hybrid52030AAsianJapanese burpless55No9"3-4'Numerous lateral vinesDowny and powdery mildew resistant
Supremo Hybrid63025APicklingSnacker56Yes3-5"2-3'Restricted vineGreat disease resistance
Suyo Long65125AAsianChinese burpless60No12-16"4'Fresh or picklingrestisitant to Powdery Mildew
Sweet Success Hybrid51102ASlicingEnglish burpless58No12"4-5'Parthenocarpic, nearly seedlessResistant to viruses, scab, leaf spot

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